There has been so much hype associated with ‘2010’, particularly the long awaited Soccer World Cup hosted in Africa for the first time in its history And South Africa delivered on the world’s expectations as everyone focused on this ‘dark continent’.
In the midst of the present political and economic climate, the World Cup brought an air of expectation. People identified and created opportunities. Each passing day brought new challenges to the success of this event, but with each challenge that presented itself, there was an abundance of opportunities. But what happens beyond 2010, beyond the magic and wizardry of the world’s talented soccer stars? Will we settle back into our comfort zone of complacency and familiarity where the promise of tomorrow is tainted by the emotions and failures of yesterday? Or will this year be known as 20-turn’ instead a year in which we turn our lives around by Choosing to Change; by Transforming Ourselves into people whose lives are filled with meaning and purpose? Will we move from being victims to being victors?
From nursing our scars to aiming for the stars? Will we use this as an op portunity to make lemonade from life’s lemons?